
This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.

Good news as the Government reconsiders transgender plans

The Government is reconsidering a proposed change in the law which would allow adults to choose to change ...

Jan 2, 2018

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Tell the Government: Education not Indoctrination

On Tuesday the Government announced a call for evidence as part of the first stage of a public consultation ...

Dec 21, 2017

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Press Release: Relationships Education Consultation

The following press release has featured in the BBC, The Times, The Sun, The Daily Mail and The Telegraph. We ...

Dec 19, 2017

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Bermuda repeals same-sex marriage

Bermuda has become the first territory in the world to restore the traditional definition of marriage by ...

Dec 13, 2017

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Heterosexual civil partnerships: a recipe for confusion

Over the weekend it was reported that the British Government would support a Private Members’ Bill which would ...

Dec 13, 2017

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Places of worship say ‘no’ to same-sex marriage

The overwhelming majority of places of worship in Britain have rejected same-sex marriage, a new study has ...

Dec 6, 2017

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Girl Guides could share showers with men

Girlguiding UK will allow biological males to share showers, toilets, changing rooms and overnight ...

Nov 28, 2017

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Five reasons why ‘no-fault divorce’ would be a disaster for marriage

A group of MPs, campaigners and journalists are attempting to undermine marriage by making it legal for either ...

Nov 22, 2017

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Backlash against the gender extremists targeting children

The Coalition for Marriage’s campaign to protect children from the politicians, schools and businesses ...

Nov 14, 2017

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Scotland launches consultation on transgenderism

On Thursday 9th November, the Scottish Government launched a consultation exercise covering proposed ...

Nov 10, 2017

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Members of Parliament from both sides of the House of Commons joined together last week to highlight serious ...

Nov 6, 2017

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Prime Minister: five year-olds to be taught about same-sex marriage

The Prime Minister has stated that compulsory relationships education in English schools will ensure that ...

Oct 31, 2017

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