Members of Parliament from both sides of the House of Commons joined together last week to highlight serious flaws in the Government’s plan to ‘de-medicalise’ transgenderism by allowing anyone to change their gender without consulting a doctor or undergoing a medical procedure.
The Coalition for Marriage campaigns against this reform because our supporters will lose the ability to talk of marriage between a man and a woman if the terms are stripped of their biological basis.
Biological men who register as women would be able to use women-only spaces such as domestic violence refuges, rape crisis centres or changing rooms under the proposals.
A male convicted rapist has already been transferred to a female prison after claiming to be transgender. He has subsequently been segregated after making unwanted advances to female prisoners. Eleven male sex offenders in a single high-risk prison are now all awaiting similar transfers to women’s jails.
If transgenderism is ‘de-medicalised’ there will be no protection for vulnerable women and children against those making the change in bad faith.
As an example, one academic study found that doctors refused permission for a small minority of patients to change gender because they stated that as paedophiles they believed that it would be easier for them to get closer to children if they appeared to be women.
Cross-party support
The meeting, organised and chaired by Conservative MP David T. C. Davies, was led by women and women’s groups, who comprised two-thirds of the audience.
Prominent campaigners for women’s rights from Parliament were also prominent, including former Labour minister Caroline Flint MP.
All were united in their belief that these proposals have not received due scrutiny and have the potential to lead to extremely adverse effects for those Parliament should be protecting.
The Coalition for Marriage also attended the meeting to give voice to our supporters concerns. An account of the proceedings is available here.
This is an extract from one of the Coalition for Marriage’s regular communications with its supporters. If you would like to register as a marriage supporter and receive these updates, you may do so here.