Tory membership haemorrhages under Cameron, gay marriage blamed

Jul 27, 2012

Andrew Pierce, who is gay but opposes gay marriage, has revealed that membership of the Conservative Party has nosedived from about 300,000 when Cameron became leader to under 130,000 – with Cameron’s stance on gay marriage blamed as the most significant factor. Top Tories believe membership may soon dip to less than 100,000.

Meanwhile, today’s Daily Telegraph carries an editorial telling the Prime Minister that gay marriage is a pointless distraction. It says Tory members are leaving in their droves, and the Government should be concentrating on pulling the country out of the deepest economic crisis for more than 50 years.

All of this comes as Mr Cameron insulted the Church by suggesting it was “locking out” gays by sticking up for traditional marriage. The blogger, Archbishop Cranmer, published the Prime Minister’s comments but mischievously replaced the word “church” with “mosque”.