The Economist: even liberal Tory MPs think redefining marriage is a vote loser

Jun 1, 2012

A pro-gay marriage article in the Economist states: “Even some of the most liberal backbench Tories now fear Mr Cameron’s stand is losing more votes than it is winning.”

Polling shows the Tories stand to lose up to 1.1 million votes and as many as 30 parliamentary seats if the controversial plans are bulldozed through.

The Economist article also says the Government has badly misjudged the “muddiness” of public opinion on the subject.

And it says redefining marriage won’t change the Tory party’s image with ordinary working people who, according to focus groups, regard the party as being for rich people with big houses.

Ordinary working people are not bothered by the party’s stance on cultural issues, they care about “bread-and-butter issues such as living standards and public services”.

And the issue has caused internal Government division, with four ministers voicing their disquiet about the proposals.

One member of the cabinet said he would vote against the plans. The Prime Minister later announced a free vote for Tory MPs – including ministers.

The Home Office is currently running a public consultation on the plans. You can use our quick and easy webform to respond. The consultation closes on 14 June.