Oct 4, 2019

A new curriculum for Relationships Education for primary schools in Warwickshire fails to mention marriage, commitment or faithfulness – but is happy to promote transgenderism and homosexuality.

This is despite the Education Act 2002 requiring all schools to teach children “the nature of marriage and civil partnership and their importance for family life and the bringing up of children”.

Instead, the ‘All About Me’ curriculum, produced by Warwickshire County Council, instructs teachers to treat all forms of family “in a positive manner”.

The only time romantic relationships are directly addressed, the example features two boys: “By accepting and treating the romance as no different to one between a boy and a girl we can help re-enforce the fact to young people and encourage them to remain accepting themselves.”

Teachers are told to affirm children as young as four who say they’re transgender in their belief that “even though they were born with the body parts of a boy, that actually inside they feel like they are a girl, or vice versa”.

Six-year-olds are encouraged to sexually ‘self-stimulate’.

Unsurprisingly, one couple already removed their children from school for a week to avoid the lessons.

Relationships Education becomes compulsory in primary schools in England in September 2020. But even then primary schools will be under no obligation to teach LGBT issues, despite claims to the contrary. And schools are required to consult parents about the lessons and have flexibility over what they teach. They are also required under the Human Rights Act to “respect the right of parents to ensure such education and teaching is in conformity with their own religious and philosophical convictions”.

Earlier this year, Coalition for Marriage helped win a change to government guidance which would have been used to silence teachers who disagree with same-sex marriage. C4M will continue to stand up for traditional marriage in the classroom.