May 14, 2020

The last few weeks have been very positive for the battle against harmful transgender ideology. First, Warwickshire County Council withdrew a primary school Relationships Education programme that promoted transgenderism to 4-year-olds after a threat of legal action. Then the same authority (£) also dropped a “trans toolkit” that said young boys who identify as female should “sleep where they feel most comfortable”.

Such ‘toolkits’ often also encourage schools to allow pupils who identify as the opposite sex to use their preferred toilets or changing rooms. They have been popping up around the country, to the consternation of especially girls and their parents who object to boys invading private female spaces.

Oxfordshire’s version of the toolkit has also been retracted in the face of a High Court challenge brought by a 13-year-old girl.

It fell to a girl aged 14 to contest similar guidance from the Crown Prosecution Service warning schools they could face prosecution if they did not allow boys into girls’ changing rooms. Lawyers for the unnamed girl said she found the guidance “very distressing” and was concerned she could be prosecuted for failing to abide by the rules it set out. Thankfully, the document has now been withdrawn.

Also last week, Liz Truss, the Minister for Women and Equalities, ordered a transgender activist group to remove the Government logo from its schools transgender guidance, saying it was “not approved by government” and “does not reflect government policy”. Truss has also announced that under-18s will be protected from making irreversible decisions – which would certainly include gender reassignment surgery.

These moves are very welcome for protecting the dignity, privacy and safety of women and girls in particular. C4M very much hopes they signal a turning of the tide against transgender ideology.