Pictures: First 500,000 names handed in to Home Office and Downing Street

Jun 12, 2012

The first half-million names on the Coalition for Marriage petition was handed in to the Home Office and Downing Street earlier today. The petition remains open as it continues to grow daily.

The petition has been signed by people who don’t want politicians to meddle with marriage. The half-million names of people who disagree with the Government’s plans have been submitted as part of the Home Office consultation on altering the meaning of marriage.

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A newly married couple, Rhys and Esther Curnow (both aged 23), were on hand to deliver the petition to the Home Office and to Downing Street. The couple, who have signed the petition, married in March.

The young couple were joined at Downing Street by MPs, David Burrowes (Con), Jim Dobbin (Lab) and Fiona Bruce (Con); and campaigners from the Coalition for Marriage, Colin Hart and Dr Sharon James.

The Home Office consultation on redefining marriage closes at midnight on Thursday (14 June) and people can make their views known via our quick and easy online form.