New poll: Lords say shelve Redefining Marriage Bill

Jan 8, 2013

A majority of Peers in the House of Lords think the forthcoming Bill to redefine marriage should be shelved because it doesn’t have broad public support, reports today’s Daily Telegraph.

Almost six out of ten Peers said the proposal should not go ahead if the public consultation did not find “broad support” for it.

The consultation, widely criticised as a sham, ignored 500,000 people who were opposed to the measure. But even then, it could only conjure up 53 per cent support.

When asked whether the measure should simply be shelved until after the next election irrespective of the consultation outcome opinion was finely balanced with 46 per cent in favour and 49 per cent against.

Polling also shows fierce objections in both Houses of Parliament to suggestions that the Government may ram the Bill through the House of Lords.

There have been indications that the Government may opt for rarely-used powers in the Parliament Acts to pass the Bill, even if the Lords vote against it.

Colin Hart, C4M campaign director said: “Mr Cameron should realise that trying to ram through this policy in a desperate bid appear trendy and progressive is not fooling anyone.

“Ordinary people want him to stop meddling with the institution of marriage and get on with fixing Britain’s flatlining economy. After all that’s why he was elected.

“Day by day the case for holding a referendum on this issue grows. If Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg believe this policy is both the right thing to do and popular why do they not trust the British people and let them have their say?”