Article: Family breakdown is the social problem of the age – the Government must do more

Feb 19, 2018

For those who are interested here is an extract from an article I have written for the Conservative Woman blog covering the Government’s freshly minted interest in pro-marriage policy making.

As much as this initiative is to be strongly welcomed. good words are not good deeds. This has not been a pro-marriage government to date and there is a long way to go before it can be considered as such:

Statistics published by the Ministry of Justice suggest that around half a million people a year enter the Family Courts in England and Wales, almost equivalent to a city the size of Sheffield.

Each case tells a story of human misery and suffering. It also presents the Government with policy challenges in terms of tax, benefits, housing, health, social care, civil and criminal justice and education.

In this context family breakdown and the relative decline of marriage is not just another social issue, it is the predominant social problem of our age and deserves to be treated as such.

Government social initiatives to tackle this crisis have focused in the wrong places. In almost all cases this is because they have prioritised acceptance of all relationships over the form of relationship which really does endure – marriage.

The full article is available here: