Aug 2, 2017

We are pleased to report a major backlash against the Government’s plans to allow men to register themselves as women and vice-versa.

Major comment articles throughout the mainstream media, including in The Times (link here [£]), Telegraph (link here), Mail (link here) and Spectator (link here), have all attacked the idea of gender-fluidity, with most noting that it conflicts with free-speech and common sense.

Politicians have also expressed reservations. In a column published on Monday (link here), David T. C. Davies, Conservative MP for Monmouth, writes that:

“If a man decides to register him/herself as a woman, should he/she have the right to use women’s toilets, changing rooms, hospital wards, etc.? This would clearly have an impact on the rights of women using those facilities.

“Some might say I am on the ‘wrong side of history’ and ‘bigoted’. But I would maintain that anyone in possession of male genitalia should be expected to use male facilities regardless of what gender they feel they are.”

Maria Miller

Clearly feeling the pressure is Maria Miller MP, who as chairwoman of the Women and Equalities Committee was responsible for the report which first recommended allowing anyone to self-identify as a member of the opposite sex. Mrs Miller threatened to storm out of an interview with The Times (link here [£]) on the subject after admitting that her proposal is open to “abuse”.

She even cited the Ashers bakery case in an attempt to disparage those concerned about men accessing women’s domestic violence refuges or communal changing areas by comparing them to the traditional marriage supporters!

As David Cameron’s Culture Secretary, it was Maria Miller who forced the redefinition of marriage through Parliament. This is a substantial part of the population whose right to a differing opinion she clearly does not respect.

The Coalition for Marriage has been working hard behind the scenes over the past week to ensure that the views of our supporters have been represented on this issue, and we will continue to speak out against this dangerous measure when public consultation begins later this year.

Same-sex marriage shunned by church’s clergy

Plans by the Scottish Episcopal Church to offer same-sex marriages have been undermined as only nine clergy signed up to perform the service – just 2% of the total (link here). Once again, same-sex marriage has proven to be the obsession of a small minority and against the will of many of those active in churches.

This is an extract from one of the Coalition for Marriage’s regular communications with its supporters. If you would like to register as a marriage supporter and receive these updates, you may do so here.