‘Stop using Mother and Father’, Stonewall tells bosses

LGBT rights group Stonewall has told organisations to stop using gendered terms like mother and father and to close down single-sex toilet facilities in order to accommodate transgender employees.
In its advice to employers on how to move up the rankings in its Workplace Equality Index, the charity states they should eliminate all use of gendered language and permit people who self-identify as a woman to use female toilets and changing rooms.
The charity also told applicants for its equality scheme that ‘gender fluid’ employees should be given “multiple passcards with different forms of gender expression” so they can be a different gender each day.
According to information released under Freedom of Information laws, Stonewall advised Historic England that it is a “legal right” for a person to “use the facility that corresponds with their gender identity”.
This is incorrect, however, as the Equality Act 2010 states that single-sex facilities are permitted if they are “a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim”, such as ensuring privacy in women’s changing rooms.
Equalities Minister Liz Truss has told civil service officials they should not be paying the minimum the £2,500 annual fee to be a “Stonewall Diversity Champion”. A number of public bodies including the Equalities and Human Rights Commission have already quit the programme.
Stonewall has been at the centre of a split in the LGBT lobby after redefining itself in 2015 to become a champion of transgender rights, a topic which remains highly controversial among gay rights activists and feminists.
At C4M we are not aligned with many of these activists on marriage, but we are pleased to see pushback against the corrosive trans agenda. While transgender people should always be treated with respect, transgender ideology threatens to undermine the importance of the biological distinction between male and female on which real marriage is based. We hope the struggle for common sense on biological sex succeeds.