Major US policy shift on trans ideology

I recently returned from spending inauguration week in Washington DC, where I’d gone with my adult son to spend some rare time together. While there, I also met with several pro-marriage and family organisations, and witnessed first-hand some political theatre, the likes of which is simply unimaginable to those of us born and raised in the UK. Irrespective of what you may think of Donald Trump the man, seismic changes are taking place in the US around gender and sexuality.
The US Government has declared that there are only two sexes – male and female – as defined by biology, and has begun a broad clampdown on the spread of harmful gender ideology.
In one of his first acts, the new President issued an Executive Order titled “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government”. Guidance following the Order, which effectively eliminates gender ideology from the federal Government, instructed officials to ensure the following occurred:
- Termination of contracts, programmes, and grants that promote gender ideology
- Placement on leave of any employee whose job involves promoting gender ideology
- Removal of all websites and social media accounts that promote gender ideology
- Termination of email system features with a pronoun prompt
- Withdrawal of all orders, regulations and communications that promote gender ideology
- Cancellation of any training that promotes gender ideology
- Disbandment of resource groups that promote gender ideology
- Alteration of forms to only include male and female options
- Replacement of the word ‘gender’ with ‘sex’ on all documents
- Ensuring intimate spaces are based on sex, not gender identity
Trump also issued separate Executive Orders banning children from receiving transgender drugs and removing gender identity indoctrination from schools.
It’s an impressively comprehensive pushback against gender ideology, which has exploded to extraordinary levels in the past ten years, putting women at risk and wreaking havoc among a generation of young people.
And it’s not a moment too soon. Here in the UK, a new report from the University of York has found that 50 times more children in England were diagnosed with gender dysphoria in 2021 compared to 2011.
Meanwhile, in just five years between 2018 and 2023, the number of UK young people aged between 16 and 24 who identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual has more than doubled—from 4.4% to 10%.
The confusion began, of course, with same-sex marriage. Once marriage was redefined so that it was no longer about the uniting of one man and one woman to form a new family, the door was opened to all manner of gender-twisting ideas being presented to children in schools. As Haim Ginott said: “Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.” Therefore, it was only a matter of time before confusion around sexuality – inconsistent with biology – became widespread.
At C4M, we draw supporters from all political parties. We back any policy that places the truth about marriage and gender at the centre. We will never stop standing up for real marriage. Join us in taking every opportunity to urge our own politicians to also return to these foundational truths, before more harm is done.