‘I’ll be voting against same-sex marriage, even though I’m gay’

Feb 10, 2015

A blogger in the Republic of Ireland has said he will be voting no to same-sex marriage and argues that he is “far from a lone voice” in the gay community.

Writing for The Sunday Independent in Ireland, Keith Mills, who describes himself as an agnostic gay man, said he will be casting a vote for traditional marriage when the country goes to the polls in May.

“I know that I am far from a lone voice calling for rejection, but I am one of the few willing to raise their heads above the parapet”, said Mr Mills.

His objection to gay marriage is based on the fact that the state “should be able to favour a family unit that provides a mother and a father”.

Echoing the view of millions, he said that “marriage should remain the cornerstone of the family unit and the best way of doing that is not to redefine it”.

He continued: “In Ireland, we are very lucky that the people are being given the right to decide on whether marriage should be protected as it currently is, or be redefined at the behest of a tiny but vocal minority.

“The small number of countries that have legalised same-sex marriage have done so without a vote and sometimes against public opinion, causing a great deal of resentment.”

When same-sex marriage legislation was passing through the UK Parliament, C4M reported that 70 per cent of the public backed traditional marriage. Even within the gay community less than 40 per cent saw it as a priority.

Nevertheless, the Government pushed it through – without a consultation, without a referendum and without it appearing in a party manifesto.

The blogger said: “This referendum is unnecessary and should be rejected in order to keep the unique position of mothers and fathers special”.

“I can think of many better ways of spending the €20m that this referendum will cost”.