Guide leaders say transgender policy puts girls at risk
Over the weekend 224 current and former leaders, volunteers and members from across the Girlguiding movement wrote to the Sunday Times (£) to protest against the transgender policy of the organisation.
As we warned last year, the policies of Girlguiding UK could mean that girls have to share shower, toilet, and changing facilities with biological men.
The signatories to the letter wrote that as the policy stands:
“Male children who identify as girls can share sleeping and washing facilities with females. It is estimated that 65,000 cases of child sexual abuse are committed by other children and young people each year. Most perpetrators are male, most victims are female. Segregating by sex, regardless of gender identity, is common sense.
“Leaders are banned from disclosing to parents that their daughters could be in mixed-sex accommodation, contravening GGUK’s own policy of informed consent.”
“This policy breaches equality law. We call on GGUK to suspend it pending an independent review. Girls matter, biological sex matters, and the law agrees.”
We agree, and we hope that Girlguiding UK listens to these experienced voices who have contributed so much to its past success.