Gay marriage TV ad blocked in Australia

Aug 14, 2015

When an organisation produces an advert supporting a current law, you’d think there would be no problem getting it aired. But, in Australia when it comes to the issue of marriage, you’d be wrong.

Marriage Alliance, an organisation which is speaking out against redefining marriage, produced a simple, straightforward and inoffensive advert for broadcast.

But Channel 7 and Channel 10 refused to run it. One said they couldn’t accommodate the request while another declined to comment on commercial arrangements.

Marriage Alliance was clear though: “It is quite shocking that two major TV networks are denying the basic right to freedom of speech and expression on an issue that supports the current law of the nation.

“The advertisement raises legitimate concerns about rights. In no way does it denigrate any element of society, but raises questions that most Australians we believe would want to see answered”.

The advert was shown on Foxtel…for a few days. When the pay TV provider faced accusations of homophobia they pulled the ad, according to a gay news site.

The debate over same-sex marriage in Australia fired into another gear this week. Let’s hope that as the debate progresses there is more tolerance than we saw in the UK, the Republic of Ireland and USA.

Sadly, on this evidence that appears unlikely.