Cameron: My wife persuaded me to back gay marriage

Jun 24, 2023

David Cameron has boasted of how “proud” he is to have introduced same-sex marriage ten years ago. In his exclusive comment for the Independent, Cameron admits that the driving force behind him being persuaded to redefine marriage was his wife Samantha.

Cameron says introducing same-sex marriage is his own “gay pride”. He boasts of how he “kept on pushing” the Bill, despite “fierce” opposition “from the Church, sections of the press, a number of party members… and from some of [his own party’s] MPs”.

It is revealing that Cameron recognised he was at odds with large sections of society, particularly those who might have ordinarily called themselves conservatives, but chose to ignore them because of the “long conversations” he had with Samantha.

The redefinition of marriage happened without a manifesto commitment, without the backing of the majority of his party, and without the support of large swathes of the public. Cameron admits that the opposition was so strong he thought on “several occasions” that the Bill would have to be dropped. This comment vindicates our C4M campaign.

The former PM writes as if it’s now obvious he was right; as if it is now clear that those who opposed him were on the ‘wrong side of history’. But he’s wrong. As the long-term effects of redefining marriage become clearer, even Cameron may realise that this law is not something to be proud of. Same-sex marriage helped normalise gender ideology. If reality can be moulded to our whims, it’s no wonder that youngsters today think they can self-identify as cats.

At C4M, we continue to fight for real marriage, which we know is between one man and one woman for life. This is not a party-political position but is a universal truth that has been held across civilisations for thousands of years, and we will continue to proclaim it as the best for children, for couples, and society at large.