‘Political correctness defies common sense’ in marriage certificates proposal

Jan 7, 2016

A proposal to add mothers’ names alongside fathers’ names on marriage certificates will not receive Government support, reportedly in order to cater for same-sex couples.

Labour MP Christina Rees has put forward a Bill on the issue, and the Prime Minister has spoken out in favour of the idea.

However, the Home Office says the plans do not allow for “different family circumstances”.

The Telegraph reported sources from the Department stating that one example of other family circumstances was same-sex couples.

Colin Hart, Campaign Director of the Coalition for Marriage, said: “For most ordinary people naming the mother and father on a marriage certificate is an obvious thing to do and they could see no reason why the whole proposal should be vetoed because of a tiny proportion of children born into other relationships.

“This is political correctness defying common sense.

“This is a small change but one which makes a huge difference to a large number of people and it is being denied because of concerns about offending people in a same-sex marriage.”

Richard Harrington, a Home Office minister, said the Marriage and Civil Partnership Registration (Mothers’ Names) Bill “does not take account of different family circumstances, where there may not be a mother and father.”

He added: “It also does not give flexibility for the future. After we have amended the law, the matter may not be again for another 100 or 200 years, so we have to get things right.”